Can I sponsor a child?

Once Umoja Orphanage Kenya has built their first children’s home you will be able to begin sponsoring a child–hopefully at the end of 2013. As we are still in the building stages of the orphanage project there are currently no children in our care; however, the first children’s home will house up to 12 children, depending on their age. To make a donation to our Raise the Roof Appeal by visiting

You can currently make a pledge to sponsor one of our future children. Your commitment is for two years minimum sponsorship and our promise to you is that 100% of your sponsorship money will go directly to your child. The cost to raise and educate a child at Umoja Children’s Village – Ukunda is $1100 per year. These fees can be paid by direct debit or cheque monthly or yearly in advance (these fees are not required until sponsorship begins)

Sponsorship includes:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Health checks, vaccinations, and medical checks
  • Social worker access
  • Music and sporting equipment
  • School fees
  • Local excursions

Sponsored children will receive:

  • Family-style accommodation—a house mother and house aunty
  • Access to food, water, sanitation, and health care
  • One-on-one care upon arrival
  • Time in the transition house to overcome any trauma
  • A safe and secure environment to grow and play
  • School education or early childhood education program if below school age
  • School uniforms, books, and equipment
  • An official birth certificate from the Kenyan Government
  • A personal memory box to record written and visual memories

We already have 7 people who have committed to sponsoring future children. If you would like to sponsor a child you can make the same commitment by filling out the sponsorship pledge form on our website

Any questions regarding child sponsorship should be directed to

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Member of Rotary

Umoja Orphanage Kenya is a Project of the Sunrise Rotary Club Bundaberg 
RAWCS Project Number 51/2011-12
Umoja's founder Cathy is a member of Fitzroy Rotary Club District 9570

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